The paradox of vulnerability

The paradox of vulnerability

Vulnerability is critical to deep and intimate relationships. Try as we might, there is no getting around this basic fact of relating. To reveal our deep, guarded inner selves and have that met and held with respect by another person is the very essence of intimacy,...
Managing your relationship’s integrity

Managing your relationship’s integrity

What does the word integrity mean to you when you hear it? And how do you think integrity applies in your relationship? In the past I’ve always thought of integrity as meaning something akin to honour. A common definition is it’s the thing you do when no-one else is...
Riding the Covid merry-go-round as a couple

Riding the Covid merry-go-round as a couple

For many Melbournians lockdown 4.0 probably comes with a feeling of déjà vu. We’ve done this before and we’ll do it again, but we wish we didn’t have to in the first place. We’re nearly a week in and with the extension returns the sense of uncertainty, limitation, and...
Good reasons to get couple’s therapy

Good reasons to get couple’s therapy

There’s a saying in Traditional Chinese Medicine along the lines of if you get sick, fire your doctor. A doctor’s role is to keep you healthy, to prevent sickness from occurring in the first place. I wish people would take the same approach with...
Your relationship is a person too!

Your relationship is a person too!

You’ve probably seen those memes about relationships being similar to a car because they need regular fuel, tune-ups and ongoing maintenance. I agree with the point that these memes are trying to make but, overall, I think that a car is an awful analogy for a...

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